Living the Flower of Life

Living the flower of life mystery school is  a place where the mystery of life is opened to everyone who is looking for connection with the oneness of the universe. We like to create space for people to be able to connect spirit with matter, aligning your divine self with your physical self. To live with a clear mind connected to your heart. By opening the heart your inner light can shine more and more and will illuminate the world around you.


There are crystal workshops for how to work with crystals intuitively. And we have a program "Living the Being" for lightworkers and professionals who want to be a change in the world in a co-production with Lorna Collins. This is program of 5 days to raise your frequency for  multidimensional being and this is a program to lay a firm fundament to radiate your light in your highest potential.




   Living the Being program Special Covid price 90 euro!!!!:

Day 1.1 Monday 14Th December 2020 online 19.00-21.30h CET (English)

Day 1.2 Tuesday 15th December 2020 online  19.00-21.30h CET (English) 





 Crystal workshop:

Monday 16th November 2020 :  Intuitive working with Crystals

workshop 10.00- 13.00 h Online. Costs 75 euro





Contact for the online workshops:


Helena van Ruyven


Program "Living the Being":


The program gives tools for problems that keeps us divided and stressed, because of all the tension in work effort and combining that with a joyful life. This program gives a new perspective to be more in balance with your own energy and the energy of the planet. So that both can transform to a health environment and better wellbeing! This is a program for light workers and HSP or anyone who want to be a change in the world.


Day 1 and 2 can be attended in a weekend,or  you can attend them separately. This is part of a program that comes in total of 5 days. Costs 150 euro ex VAT each day, vegetarian lunch included. Also included free meditations monthly to keep up your level of energy and align. This product is a program from Robin Groeneveld, Helena van Ruyven en Lorna Collins in co-production. 



Workshop" living with crystals"

Crystal Workshop 

“ Living with Crystals”

10.00 to 17.00 h.

The course is in English/Dutch

Crystals are the “ Powerbanks” of nature. Throughout thousands and even millions of years, Mother Earth has compressed the energies of the earth and the cosmos into the crystals. Since the crystals are made by Universal powers, they carry the energies and the consciousness of the Universe. The moment you open yourself for the loving & powerful energies of the crystals, you are able to connect to a wide variety of healing and empowering energies.


“ The deep energies of the crystals have overwhelmed me. In connection with me, the crystals reveal all the secrets of the Universe. It makes me humble and silent” (Reflections after crystal course - Robin Groeneveld




• Exploring the world of crystals

• Connecting and opening up to crystals

• Creating a field with crystals

• How to make a personal grid

• Cleaning crystals



• Workshop - 150 euro (incl  vegetarian lunch & drinks)